When All Out Beauty made its final summer appearance at Fusion Festival, we got the chance to meet four of our favourite influencers in the beautiful city of Liverpool.
Needless to say, they were delightful, inspirational and all out awesome! Give your Instagram some insta-glam with these stars of style.
Sorsasta, Gemma Birch
YouTuber and all-round insta-babe Gemma is definitely one to follow for all things fashion and beauty. This Liverpudlian lass also has some fab vlogs about mindfulness and self-growth for those days when you need a little life coaching.
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCEA5qSaJZk0WRpFzD-Pw5yw/featured
Instagram: @sorsasta
Anushka Moore, Mascara Every Saturday
Meet Anushka, editor-in-chief of the fabulous blog Mascara Every Saturday and creator of @MidSizedCollective, your go-to Instagram for size 10-18 outfit inspo. Check out her Instagram for killer fashion and beauty tips – you’ll soon realise why she was 2017 #NorthernBlogAward nominee for Best Instagram!
Instagram: @MasacaraEverySaturday
Blog: https://mascaraeverysaturday.com/
Sam Roswell, FattyBoomTatty
Plus-sized blogger Sam is a self-titled ‘chubby babe, sharing style, colour & body positivity’, and what a babe she is! Check out her Instagram for inspiration and tips on everything from motherhood to fashion and food.
Instagram: @FattyBoomTatty
Blog: http://www.fattyboomtatty.co.uk/
Abigail Whitehead, Blush & Noise
Liverpool-born fashion blogger Abbie is one to watch! This up-and-coming insta-girl describes her blog, Blush & Noise, as covering “everything from personal style, beauty, music and even lifestyle and mental health”. Get yourself over to Instagram and hit that ‘follow’ button right now!
Instagram: @blushandnoise
Blog: https://www.blushandnoise.com/